Training Weeks 8, 7, 6, 5...

Week of : 23-29 November
Total Mileage: 34.77
Total Time: 3:48
Average Pace: 6:44/mi
Overview: Hit a really awesome 18 miler with 10 miles under 5:30/mi pace on the Sunday which started this week off with a sore Achilles tendon, as I write this I am now 4 weeks in to still dealing with this injury hence the lower mileage.
Monday: 5.01mi in :31
Tuesday: 8.65mi in 1:01
Wednesday: 6.73mi in :47
Thursday: 12.88mi in 1:18, Sugarland Turkey Trot 5 miler in 25:36. Fun to be racing with Olympic Marathon Trials Qualifier, Kiya Dandena. Basically just tried to hang with him as long as possible which was about 3 miles. We were both on sub 25 (under 5:00/mi pace) till the humidity caught up with us, too bad we didn't have better weather as I was really wanting to go under 25. Achilles was okay.
Friday: 1.5mi in :10, pushing the double stroller decided to end the run as my achilles really swelled up. First dat the injury really flared up.
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 32mi bike in 2:46 volunteering for the Houston Striders long run.
General Health/Diet: Achilles injury appears to have been set off by the fast long run done in a stability shoe and further agravated by racing fast.
Tip of the Week: It seems very common across all my Houston Marathon friends to be dealing with injury right now, the miles are getting big and the pace faster so this is where the wheels begin to come off if you dont have the extra strength work put in. These injuries are always a good reminder to go back to basics and concentrate on the little things like hip/glute/core strength (main cause of majority of injuries). All the physio exercises prescribed for injuries should really be done as maintenance every week.
Week of: 30-Nov to 6-Dec (7 weeks to go)
Total Mileage: 65.66
Total Time: 6:58
Average Pace: 6:26
Overview: A really good fast week of training included one of my best ~3mi runs of my life and a great long run on the Houston Marathon course. Achilles felt better with a faster pace. Fun week out in Austin at The Running Event meeting some great brands and running idols.
Monday: 5.31 in :33
Tuesday: 7.16 in :44
Wednesday: 3.88 in :27, run with Rob Krar!

Thursday: Indie 5k in 13:35* The lead cyclist missed the first turn which cut off part of the course, this run would be equivelant to about a 14:49 5k, with all the hills on this course I am definitely in PR shape right now. The Indie is extremely competitve as it is held as part of The Running Event which is loaded with athletes.
Friday: 8.59 in :51
Saturday: 19.93 in 2:01, Great long run on a majority of the marathon course, completely bonked at 18mi after zero intake throughout the run. Was really hammering some marathon and sub-marathon pace. Achilles agravated after this one.
Sunday: 11.33 in 1:20 on a mix of trails and hills.
Week of: 7-Dec to 13-Dec (6 weeks to go)
Total Mileage: 22.84
Total Time: 2:20
Average Pace: 6:37
Overview: Had planned this week to be easy but not due to injury. Lots of cycling and rehab this week.
Monday - Wednesday: Cycling and started seeing Airrostii for Achilles treatment, deep active release throughout the calf and hip.
Thursday: 4.28 in :28
Friday: 3.52 in :26 on trails
Satruday: 15.04 in 1:25. Final race of the year, Brazos Bend Half Marathon win in 1:15. Achilles would not let me cool down once I stopped so obviously pretty messed up. Still happy to get some marathon pace work in even though th humidity killed me by the end.
Sunday: Off
Week of: 14-Dec to 20-Dec
Total Mileage: 38.37
Total Time: 4:24
Average Pace: 7:03
Still dealing with Achilles issue but signs of it getting better and able to get some runs in, decided to just stay off of it early in the week which really helped but with the marathon looming I can't afford to take any more time off without either dropping to the half (might be worse due to more speed) or not racing at all. We shall see.
Monday - Wednesday: Off, cycle, physio.
Thursday: 3.27 in :21, just trying to get a run in
Friday: 4.54 in :37 pushing the double stroller
Saturday: 16.07 in 1:50 double (11am / 5pm pushing double stroller)
Sunday: 14.49 in 1:35 double (9.5am / 5pm) Evening run was one of the most pain free runs I have had in the last few weeks and it was in Luna sandals! Shoes are really agravating all the tendons in my ankle right now.