Crescent City Classic 10k 31:36
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Neff Named to Canadian National Ultra Team
Calum will be heading to Italy for the June 10th 50k Trail World ChampionshipsAdd News Story here
EPIC in Turkey
A short branded film by director Brett Ferster with The Light Factory and EPIC athlete Calum Neff
Wings for Life World Run Turkey
In 2014 Calum Neff ran 36.36 miles (58.52km) in 4 hours to out last all competitors in four races held simultaneously in North America and was 18th in the worldwide standings earning him a trip to compete anywhere in the world for the 2015 Red Bull Wings for Life World Run. The choice was Turkey and together with his high school friend, Brett, they travel the country running and capturing the beauty and inspirations that drive them to do what they love all while being fueled by EPIC. Neff improved from last years performance running an additional 19 minutes before being eliminated for a total of 39.95 miles (64.3km) in 4:19!
Check out EPIC bar; grass-fed, healthy, nutritional meat and whole animal provisions.